Danny Denenberg

Golang presentation tool usage

So, you want to create awesome presentations that look like this?

First make sure that you have the Go programming language installed on your system.

On a Mac, it’s as easy as brew install go.

Next, set your GOPATH and make public the folder where your installed Go binaries will go:

$ GOPATH="/Users/danny/go" # public go path
$ PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH" # binaries

Finally, install (by way of go get ...) the present binary to be able to locally run your presentations.

$ go get -u golang.org/x/tools/cmd/present

This command will install in your $GOPATH/bin folder, the executable binary that runs the presentations.

To check that the binary is working properly, type present as a command into your terminal and it should output something close to 2020/03/11 12:58:42 Open your web browser and visit

And, if you open your web browser to that specified port (in this case, you should see a landing page like so:

This is a page displaying the brother folders from the one you ran the present command in.

Now, create a file in your current folder with the extension .slide and put at the top of the file, this information (of course, with your corresponding unique info):

Title of document
Subtitle of document
15:04 2 Jan 2006
Tags: foo, bar, baz
<blank line>
Author Name
Job title, Company

Note that the date may be written without a time prepended. Also, multiple presenters may be specified, simply separate them by blank lines and then put their corresponding info.

Now, whenever you want to run your presentation, simply run the present command in the folder containing your *.slide file and select it on the webpage the present command sends you to.

After the specified presenters, each of the slides/sections are put separated by blank lines. Following is an example slide:

* Title of slide or section (must have asterisk)

Some Text

** Subsection

- bullets
- more bullets
- a bullet with

*** Sub-subsection

Some More text

  Preformatted text
  is indented (however you like)

Further Text, including invocations like:

.code x.go /^func main/,/^}/
.play y.go
.image image.jpg
.background image.jpg
.iframe http://foo
.link http://foo label
.html file.html
.caption _Gopher_ by [[https://www.instagram.com/reneefrench/][Renée French]]

Again, more text

The .code function injects source code from a file by injecting them as HTML-escaped <pre> blocks. Any line in the program ending with the four characters OMIT is deleted from the source before inclusion. This makes injecting specific code snippets easy like so:

.code test.go /START OMIT/,/END OMIT/

With some example contents of test.go:

coolFunction := boop()
see_mee := great()

And the slide only gets this:

see_mee := great()

The information following a .image function can be a file path OR a url.

Parts of the file that begin with a : (colon) are presenter notes.

* Title of slide

Some Text

: Presenter notes (first paragraph)
: Presenter notes (subsequent paragraph(s))

For other cool features and functionality, visit the present package homepage.